
2027808398Anxiety keeps you from moving forward.

The fear and anxiety of living in the present have overpowered your ability to find joy in your daily life.

Fixating on the past has taken control of your functioning. As a result, you have started to hold yourself back from moving forward in your life – in your relationships, career, social life, and beyond.

Things have happened in your past that you actively pushed to the deepest corners of your mind. This option seems the best because the pain is too overbearing to face.

Perhaps, you even feel comforted staying in this cycle because it’s familiar. You know what to expect from it, and you’ve become an expert at accepting and moving along. The idea of confronting this cycle is too big at this point in your life.

Remaining where you are doesn’t solve the problem.

You can stay in your comfort zone, but remaining means you are not living life to the fullest.

Not addressing the cause of your anxiety means you will continue to hold back from things that bring you joy and experience fear in pursuing new endeavors.

Persistent anxiety causes emotional stress (e.g., feeling on edge, out of control, irritable) and physical problems like insomnia, rapid heartbeat, panic attacks, nervousness, etc.

Growth and joy are waiting for you beyond that comfort zone. Perhaps it’s time to try something different.

2027808395Therapy helps address persistent anxiety.

Anxiety is most potent when there is uncertainty, and finding the cause is where therapy can help.

Throughout the therapeutic process, you will gain the tools to confront your problems head-on while also understanding the power of approaching yourself and your issues with compassion and empathy. Once you identify patterns of thoughts and triggers that promote your anxiety, we can work to help you process the situation and respond without feeling anxious.

Therapy will help you understand how events, relationships, and emotional experiences you have had throughout your life have all led you to this point. In doing so, you will recognize that you already bring so much to the table – you have made it this far, which is worth acknowledging.

It’s time to move forward, and I would love to work with you as you learn to overcome anxiety.

Contact me today, and let’s begin a journey that leads to the life you want.