How is your “me-time”?
You’ve thought about starting therapy but struggle to make the time for it. Between work, your kids’ extracurricular activities, and all you must get done around the house, there’s no time just for you.
With all these responsibilities, life seems unmanageable these days.
Driving to and from the therapist’s office is out of the question. Traffic, commitments, caregiving for a housebound relative, and a thousand other reasons keep you from seeking therapy – even though you need it.
The last thing you want to do is enter a therapist’s office and have a friend or neighbor in the waiting room. You want to keep how you feel and your needs private.
It doesn’t seem feasible to carve out time for in-person therapy, which is why you’ve avoided making the appointment, despite feeling ready for change.
Virtual therapy is a great alternative.
Like in-person therapy, virtual therapy is still about you and your needs. Sessions are still face-to-face and work as well as seeing a therapist in person.
Virtual therapy allows you to attend therapy without committing any extra time to your allotted 50-minute session, making scheduling less daunting.
If you’ve never tried virtual therapy, the experience of how organically sessions flow will surprise you. You will still experience that human level of connection and recognize your capacity for change without being physically in an office.
The experience is safe, secure, and convenient.
We will meet virtually for your sessions using an encrypted, HIPAA-compliant platform.
You can take your sessions from your office, kitchen table, or even your car (so long as you’re not actively driving). All you need is an Internet connection and a device that allows us to see each other.
Set yourself up so you feel relaxed, allowing for a productive therapy session, all in the comfort of your own space!
Virtual therapy makes the therapeutic process seamless.
Call today to schedule your free 20-minute consultation!